
下圖是我跟Allen在北加州Walkers流域釣魚時,高繞回程經過的山獅腳印,牠的腳印跟我的臉一樣大,推估如果從後頸偷襲成功,70公斤重的我會在瞬間被叼走! 現場濃厚的尿味顯示一小時前正當我們拉魚大呼小叫的當下,這隻猛獸正從我們左手邊五公尺旁的山坡小徑通過!


We always say, safety is the best policy when we go fishing. But how risky it can be except breaking our beloved fly rod or our legs?
Well, the Death just passing by when Allen and I scanned through Walkers river for trouts in N.California. A mountain lion with its paws as large as my face ran through the path 5 meters next to us. We did not realized this until we went back down stream and spotted this footprint, with a strong urinary smell.

圖片1. 在Walkers展示釣獲的Allen

圖片2 山獅腳印, 肉墊旁明顯的凹曲證明這是大貓的腳印,旁邊是猴的美規9號溯溪鞋(喵的這時才問我有沒有熊噴? 我只有帶子線剪啊!!!!)

圖片3 人行道PU紅線湊巧印上的幼貓腳印,旁邊一樣是猴的9號鞋子 (這隻女生尖叫[好可愛],上面那隻換我尖叫[救命啊]~~)
